Welcome to teachermompreneur.com.
My name is AJ! I am a teacher, mom and (through happenstance), an entrepreneur!

This is me, taking a photo break during a Google Singapore office tour! I wish to collaborate with Google someday! Putting that on my vision board!
Me, as teacher…
I started teaching in 2004. Having shifted from the corporate life and moving to a teaching position without any background, was harder than I thought. Apart from the steep learning curve I had to hurdle, I had to face the challenges that come with a teaching job. From a corporate career that came with allowances, benefits, and promotions, I accepted a newbie teacher’s salary. Armed with faith that one is rewarded when one does what they are most passionate about, I stayed on and pursued a career in teaching. Slowly but surely, my decision paid off. My years of teaching children have been filled with challenges and successes, yet each one was replete with fulfillment, learning and growth.
Me, as Mom.
The year I started teaching – 2004, was also the year I married my best friend. Four years later in 2008, we were blessed with our firstborn. Fast forward to today, we have three little miracles that are our pride and joy! The cliche “Time flies!” is most palpable when I’m with them!
Me, as Entrepreneur.
Through my years as mom and teacher, I serendipitously happened upon the reluctant entrepreneur in me. I was reluctant because I was afraid that my business ideas would fail and flop. Looking back, I am thankful for the financial challenges that gave me the extra propulsion to forge forward and give home-based business ideas a try!
To all full-time teachers and teacher-moms who are looking for tips on how to go about having a home-based business, this is for you! May the ideas shared here provoke and encourage you, and awaken your inner entrepreneur! Let’s form a learning community to collaborate and lift each other up!
Teachermompreneur AJ